Sunday, December 28, 2014


An interesting concept is Divergence, And I don't mean that young adult series of novels, but the idea of something starting on a trajectory that leads to separation. Two things can start from the same fundamental idea, then based on other factors diverge from each other to the point of being irreconcilable. I was reminded today about this by an interaction that I had with a confidant:

One idea that I have struggled with is that God is essentially a man-made construct, existing only as we perceive or attribute value to him. For me, this has been a source of cognitive dissonance, if not a parable for nihilism. If God can only exist as we will him, that is pretty fucking sad. My confidant on the other hand had the same idea that God exist within us. However, in their perspective, we were a reflection of God, and the fact that God could only exist as we perceived, or more-so represented him was a beautiful thing that encouraged us to live a life of "godliness". I have no real conclusion to this, but the fact that the same principle can lead to two different conclusions is interesting. This idea is common sense, but to those who over-analyze such an obvious idea is sometimes a revelation.

I know you wanted comics that I think are amusing, but if I didn't mix in rants who would I be?

Song of the Day: Aerosmith: I don't want to miss a thing
"'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing"

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Staying Honest

I realized when I went to post that I had not done a comic recently, so I spent my time making one. I guess I can rant another time.

It doesn't always work out.
Photo Credit: Premier1er

Lyric of the Day: College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero

"Against the grain of dystopic claims
Not the thoughts your actions entertain
And you have proved to be
A real human being and a real hero"

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Real Terror

I've been moving forward in most of the things I need to, hopefully in ways that end up taking me where I want to be. As I get closer to finishing some of my goals, each step forward feels that much more terrifying. As a coward by nature, overcoming the fear of the unknown is pretty rough.

So while I am doing the things I have to, I figured I would do some of the things I want to. Such as doing some comics. My new idea is quotes over stock photos. We will see how long this burst of inspiration lasts.

Bartender, I'll take another Self-Confidence and Sprite on the rocks.
Knowing that things in my life will change as a result of my actions is too much power. I guess that is what being an adult is.

Photo Credit: ProPhotoStock

Lyric of the Day: Jimmy Eat World - "Praise Chorus"
"Things are never gonna be the way you want.
Where's it gonna get you acting serious?
Things are never gonna be quite what you want.
Or even at 25, you gotta start sometime.

I'm on my feet, I'm on the floor, I'm good to go.
Now all I need is just to hear a song I know.
I wanna always feel like part of this was mine.
I wanna fall in love tonight."

Monday, August 11, 2014

All good things must come to an end

News came out today that Robin Williams passed away. It is amazing how someone I have never met could have given me so much.

He helped me understand the value of art, and specifically writing poetry, in Dead Poet's Society.

Robin Williams and the story with him an Christopher Reeve gave me an understanding about what true friendship means.

Mrs. Doubtfire taught me that sometimes you have to do crazy things for your family.

Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting gave me my philosophy on love.

It is hard to know that someone who gave so much to others ended up taking their life after struggling with depression and alcoholism. Rest In Peace Mr. Williams, you have given a generation of people more than you could ever know.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

From the Treasure Trove

So I finally moved to a new place. Here are some interesting things I found as I cleaned out the old place.

For Halloween my friends went as Salt and Pepper. I, like Ted from HIMYM, went as Cumin.

The Avengers poster. Pretty sweet.

A timeline the bro gave me of all the generations of Pokemon.

My first set of glasses from HS. I went for the HP looking ones.

I was awarded "Best Trainer". I think this was for a summer camp?

I saw contemporary "Two Gentlemen of Verona". I have a soft spot for modernized Shakespeare.

For one of my friend's bachelor party, I made a game where he had to guess what his wife chose or to take a shot. He guess BSB correctly.

Engineering Jokes 1

Engineering Jokes 2

Engineering Jokes 3

The new place is a mess, but once I clean up, I'll try to have something interesting. I really want to do a rant, but I think it will end up being too disjointed. Maybe I might have another zany dream.

That reminded me. I had a crazy dream where I was helping my friend move (this was ~5 years in the future). As we were packing we came across a poem that she had written in a local magazine. It was amusing because I had suggested the topic (a gender-bend with the poem being a woman's expectations when she gets home from a hard day of work) after she had brought up something about gender roles right before I went to bed. The last part might be a true story, but I guess we will have to see how the future turns out xD

Lyrics of the Day:

"So go on infect me

Go on and scare me to death

I’ll be the victim

You’ll be the voice in my head

You could give me anything but love

Anything but love"

Monday, July 14, 2014

Skeletons in the closet

One thing that I have always had a problem with is letting things go. For that reason, I tend to be a hoarder. All of the things I have collected have meaning in that they are tied to some memory or the other. Part of me is terrified that if I lose these things, it will be as if I had never had those experiences, since I will not have the item that sparks the memory.

One specific example of this is that I have collected t-shirts that no longer fit or are damaged to the point of being unwearable. From someone with very low standards in terms of what they wear in public (food-stained t-shirt and pajama bottoms?) that is saying something.

So I decided that if I uploaded pictures of these shirts here, I would have a place that would remind me of the stories that go with them. I like to think of this as one of my "be smarter, don't work harder" solutions.

The first shirt is from UMD. I got this shirt when I went to an event at the Catholic Student Center. This was the first and last time that I ever went there.

The second shirt is from a MD basketball game. I think it was sophomore year, but I might be wrong. They only had larges, so I wore it as a tight shirt while one of my friends cut and tied hers into a smaller size.

The last shirt is the most recent. I got it at a metal festival in ABQ, NM. I tore the front of the shirt because of a mosh pit the same day I bought it. You can see the tour location on the back.

 (This entire post was to work up to this joke. Skeletons in my closet....haha)

I'm glad I got to leave this small part of my life journey here. Makes me feel like I'm in a Brandon Sanderson novel.

Song of the Day: Betty Who - Somebody Loves You (Oddio Visual Remix)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Visual Timestamp #3

Because I am in love with this new format. Don't worry, a rant-filled post is in the works.

Days of Future Past Trailer

Ask A Brofessor 8

Injustice Opening

The Climb Music Video

Masterchef - Confident Chef

Guile's Theme Accapella

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Visual Timestamp #2

Since this is a regular thing now.

Hercules - Zero to Hero

The A La Menthe - Ocean's Twelve

Washington Song


Dogma Beliefs Scene

Honey Badger (narrated by Randall)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

We should go to poetry night

This is something that I have been working on. I like the idea, but it is a bit raw and disorganized. It is basically a rant. I just want it here in case I ever get around to revising it. I kind of went back to old bad habits at the end.

"We should go to poetry night",
I message my friend.
Though, what I really mean,
Is that I need to get to a microphone as soon as humanly possible.

If I projectile vomit these feelings,
Like those lovely Thursday nights in college,
Maybe, just maybe,
They won't poison me.

[This condition is hereditary.
I saw my grandmother,
Clutch at past transgressions,
Like they were Dixie cups of hope,
In the desert of her waning moments.]

Here we go -

First, I don't "hate" my boss,
I hate the entire fucking institution.
Second, I'm not sad that I was dumped,
I'm really terrified I'll end up alone.
Third, I'm not sure if age is making me cynical,
or if my moments of clarity reveal the shitshow of our world.

The stock market is Pokemon cards for adults.
Disney sells beautiful lies and irrational expectations.
Truth is entirely subjective.
Past success means nothing.
And the purpose of, get this, living.

(Mind Explosion)

There is no universal purpose,
It's a goddamn choose your own adventure:

Some want to get to heaven,
Some just want the attention,
Some do it for art,
Others have bleeding hearts,
And want to save humanity from itself.
I just want to be happy with my self.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


This was a lyrics/ideas that I thought were cute/interesting/a good starting point. I'm going to stash it here until I have time to work on it. The theme will be the inevitability of separation and my fear of abandonment. Should be reminiscent of my other work on the subject, but more free form.

"I hope your love is not like gravity.
Losing it's strength as we get farther and farther away."

"I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave.
When I say that , don't think Lil' Wayne, think Ben Affleck in Good Will Hunting"

Funny Story of the Day:
Chatting with my friend JB

Leaving an attractive, intelligent girl on the market is like leaving a pie on a window sill

i feel like you're calling me an idiot :P
b/c only idiots would leave pies on window sills

subtlety is not my strength
I admit

no, it's not
keeping it real is

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Visual Timestamp #1

This blog is supposed to be my musings and snapshots from my life, but I feel like I have been lacking on the second. To make up for that, here is last friday night in youtube videos. Enjoy.

Stromae - Alors un Danse

Booty Dog

Ke$ha featuring a terrible rapper - Timber

Key and Peele - Auction Block

The Eagles - Hotel California

Breaking Bad - Jesse's Revelation (loose spoilers)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Weird Dream: Spaceship Bunkbeads

I just had a weird dream in a nap. But it was interesting, so I'm posting it.

I was on a spaceship. Kind of like the ones they have in Ender's Game. For some reason I know they've moved us all (everyone from Earth) onto these things. I have just been moved into a new community(communities are made of several different color-coded groups) they just created. They pulled a bunch of people they needed based on skill sets, so I am in a pod with no one I know.

My unfamiliarity with my group has led me to find out who is in the other crews. I wandered around the common rooms of the other groups hoping desperately to find someone I recognize. Thankfully I run into a friend from Earth-that-was. I know something happened to the Earth, but that its not something people like talking about. Despite being willing to break and question other rules that we have set up on this community, that is one that I don't mind, because it hurts me to talk about it.

She and I are both excited to see each other. We catch up in her (Red Group's) kitchen. I make pancakes while while she sits on on a bar stool across the counter in the very small kitchen. We talk about how crazy the move has been, how our personal spaces are still messes, and how we're interested in helping build this new community. After thinking I would have to move on from the old world as my memories fail, it is comforting to know that I will have someone from then with me.

Red's Kitchen
We are interrupted by an acquaintance of mine from the old world. Someone I literally met twice, through a mutual friend. He walks in, and I realize not only does he have a Black Group jacket, he has an officer's jacket. This knowledge instantly sours me to him.

In addition to the pods of each color, each pod also has additional space. At a planning meeting, planners (I was one of these group) has decided on how we would all spit up our shapes. I was in a minority of people who wanted large open spaces with removable dividers so that we could use the spaces as all purpose. The end idea was that the groups would have separate living space for officers. These officer's would have no additional responsibility within the groups, in terms of significant workload. Since they had their own special living space, other group's members would be able to identify them for consult. I knew that realistically, this meant little, as the community was so small that my group did not need a pint of contact. Each person was already independent, so why did we need this excess organization and formal channel. To me it took away from the community.

After the meeting, one of the admins for the community approached me, since I was so vocal in the discussion. Upon seeing me looking frustrated with my loss in the meeting, they approached me laughing.

"Don't worry.", he said patting my back. "We are definitely considering you as one of Yellow Group's officers. You were outspoken in the meeting, and we need passionate people in this community"

"You can keep it.", I said removing his arm from my back. "Give it to whatever idiot needs that type of validation. I wouldn't know what to do with all that space"

As I saw his face go from smile the glare, I realized that I had let my anger at losing make me too abrasive. He gave me a "Harumph" and walked away.

My mind came back to my current situation in Red Group kitchen. My acquaintance had struck me at the type of person who would want the validation and take pride in being his group's officer. I don't know whether that made me disdain him or pity him, but it was not a positive emotion. I masked my negativity and welcomed him with a greeting. He came in and sat down at a bar stool. He joked that he was on "official business" to get cinnamon for Black Group. My friend laughed, but I did not, my face down in my cooking. I zoned out as I dealt with my conflicting emotions and making sure that I made a decent breakfast. As I cooked our pancakes, he continued to small talk with my friend, but I was too distracted to follow. He left by the time I had made my own pancakes and snapped back to reality.

When my friend and I finished breakfast, I asked what the plan was. This was our rest day, so I figured we could hang out and do whatever she wanted. I was still relieved from finding someone I knew, so I did not care what we did. She said that she had been invited upstairs for tea at the Black Officer's apartment. She sounded excited about seeing what the apartments looked like. Unlike me, she had not been on the planning group and did not work on the layout.

As we walked  up the stairs to the Black Group quarters, in my head I walked through why I felt the need to tag along. I had not been invited personally, so I questioned if that meant I was not invited. But I was in the zone cooking, so my acquaintance might have actually included me and I might have missed it. Maybe I was not invited, because this was supposed to be private. I mused that I did always have a hard time telling when people were flirting and when they were just being nice to each other.

In the end, I settled on the fact that I had two main reasons for coming that were justifiable. First, this was the only friend I had in the community, and if I went back to my pod, I would just spend the rest of the day reading in my bunk. Second, I picked up sleazy vibes from the Black Officer. On the second time we met on Earth-that-was, he had told me some lines he used on girls, and that had come off to me as too pick-up artisty. I was going to hang out with and protect my one friend on this ship.

As we went into the Black Officer room, I rolled my eyes. The 7 by 8 foot room was bigger than the cramped shared kitchen that Red had. The apartment owner was in the middle of his room, painting a table rainbow colors. The newspaper on the floor protected the black floor. He waved at as to sit down in the previously painted chairs that were in a corner of his room. We sat down and he explained to us that he wanted to add more color to his living space. "All black everything is too much", he laughed, gesturing to the cupboards and countertops that he had masked off for painting.

The cupboards reminded us that we were here for tea, so my friend started getting a pot of water ready. She chatted with my acquaintance while I zoned out thinking of how we could apply the idea of colors to the entire community. "Oh, I have cookies", I blurted out as reality came back into focus. As the confusedly looked at me, I ran off to go get them. I skipped through the  hallways using the lowered gravity. I saw a pair of my Yellow group members walk by who had come back from the gym. I went into the pod where my bunk was. Each pod had a four sets of two bunks arranged into a captial H. The bunks were in the vertical lines and the horizontal line was the hub of the pod.

I waved and greeted  my hubmates. A bunch were chatting in the entry way. I got a quick nod of acknowledgement and they were back to their conversation. I juked into the path that my bunk was in. I rolled into my bunk, making sure to duck my head so I did not hit my head on the bed above me. As I searched through the boxes on my bed for the cookies so I could get back upstairs, I realized that there was someone on the bunk across from me. He was lying in bed, staring up at the bunk above him with his hands folded behind his head,. He looked like a young Chris Pratt, and sounded like him too, so in my head I nicknamed him Chris.
Yellow's Bunks
"Hey man, you looked bummed", I said. My attention shifted from my search for cookies.
"That's because I am", he replied. His tone conveyed the feeling that I was Master of the Obvious.
"What's up, buddy?", I responded, shifting from prone to sitting up.
"Life. Sucks."
"You can't know that.", I said instantly, and as a matter-of-fact.
"You can't tell me what to see, dude"
"I just meant objectively. You can not know that life sucks. All you get is the perception of the world as it is filtered through you. We all basically get a filtered version of what the world is that is shaped by our internal perceptions."
"Really? That is what you're going with.", he said with a tone of annoyance.
"I mean how can you say life sucks if you don't even know what it is? All you have is your filtered perception. Maybe that is what needs changing."
"I guess that makes sense..."
"Here, I'll help you start changing that filter" I said as the realization of the significance of what I had just figured out hit me.

I smiled and nodded for him to follow me and I got off my bed, cookies in hand, as I faded into wakefullness.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


First, my version of the story of Icarus.

- Icarus's Dad, Daedalus, builds a Labyrinth for King Minos so that he could imprison the Minotaur.
- Minos traps one of his enemies in the Labyrinth. Daedalushelps the guy get out.
- Minos gets pissed and tosses Daedalus and Icarus into the Labyrinth.
- Daedalus makes two pairs of wax and feather wings so that he and his son can escape.
- When he gives Icarus wings, Dad-alus warns him to not fly high, as the sun will melt wax wings.
- Icarus takes off. He becomes enthralled by flying, forgets his father's warning, and flies high.
- The wax of his wings melts because of the sun's heat, and Icarus plummets into the ocean.
- He dies and they name the sea after him, the Icarian Sea.

So the moral of the story is don't be an idiot and listen to warnings, right? Icarus had been warned that he should not fly too high and he ignored the warning. He acted recklessly and without heed and deserved his fate. The world is better off without him.

This is the attitude that I have had to this story for a long time.

Recently, I have found myself feeling sympathy for Icarus.  He was flying, for the first and possibly only time in his life, and he got caught up in it. Is that really stupidity? Or is it just an understandable moment of euphoria? Is allowing yourself to get caught up in something that terrible?

My answers have become a much softer yes, yes, and not really respectively. Trying something because you get caught up in it is not the unforgivable sin that I've held it to be. 

Forgiveness is defined as "intentional and voluntary". I guess it is time to forgive Icarus for his recklessness.

Mostly relevant literary quote: Sergei Lukyanenko's Twilight Watch
“We weren’t meant to fly. All we can do is try not to fall.”

Slightly relevant song lyric: Nero - Promises
“You got me so wild,
How can I ever deny,
You got me so high,
So high I cannot feel the fire.
And you keep telling me,
Telling me that you'll be sweet,
And you'll never want to leave my side,
As long as I don't break these...

Promises, and they still feel all so wasted on myself .”