Monday, March 25, 2013

They are who we thought they were, continued

On this blog, I'm still going to be as ranty as ever, so fear not. In fact, the first thing I must do is finish something from my last blog that I started here . To summarize, gender roles seem to be a shitty construct that is outdated.

To me, the idea of gender as anything outside of being based on primary and secondary sex characteristics seems pretty dumb. I know this is hypocritical of someone who has said "Girls love llamas" and refers to a video game character as a she because they wear a purple costume, but I've been working on trying to avoid those things. It is really ironic, because I find myself mad when other people do the same things that I do.

With this premise, I find a bunch of stuff that we do, makes no sense in this context. Why do we have bathrooms for different genders? Why is this current event an issue at all? And this thing too Why do we report gender at so many different places? Why can't people just make immature anatomy jokes without it being sexist? Why is it that Gawker has a blog for women, but none that say they are targeted at men?

In conclusion, a lot of shit doesn't make sense to me because I think their premise is stupid. I also look forward to the day when I feel fine getting bright purple rain boots, without feeling like I am judged by men and women alike.

I ran out of steam, but I'm sure when I'm mad I'll keep going. Now, I'm just hungry.

Edit: is similar to what I was trying to say. Except for the part about being a gay guy.

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